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Our Vision
Education is the apprentice of life. Our vision is to provide value based education with new innovations and ideas so that our pupils
grow into aesthetically rich, intellectually aware and integrated young people, capable of fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.
Our vision is to strengthen the basic foundation and thereafter allow the latent talent to fully develop. Creative energies need a caring &
nurturing environment and this is what we endevour to provide.
Our Mission
Our aim is to help a child realise
his/her inner strength and give him a conducive environment to grow & evolve as a good social being and a global citizen.
To draw the best student, faculty and facilitators and to achieve highest academic standards in the country. To help our students:
Develop high level of integrity, ethics, and uncompromising honesty
Understand and appreciate Indias rich traditions
Lead in team work
Aim at fair play
Build sensitivity towards ones environment.
Be sensitive to issues pertaining to the less fortunate
Possess a questioning mind
Believe in ones self and hold the head high in times of adversity